
Medical Documents Labeling: How, Why, and Use Cases

In a world where deciphering the handwriting of doctors can feel like an Olympic sport, and finding the right document can feel like a treasure hunt, medical document labeling emerges as the unsung hero of medical documentation. Healthcare professionals describe it as the Sherlock Holmes of the industry, the secret sauce that is used to bring order to chaos and the superhero that is responsible for finding the solution to the problem. Here we see a very trusty sidekick accompanied by a tiny cape worn by a medical record. We are taken on an imaginative journey as we explore the world of medical document labeling. There are several ways that physicians can avoid playing the game of "Where's Waldo," the reasons why it is more important than remembering your WiFi password, and the humorous situations that can arise as a result, such as deciphering the prescriptions written by "Dr. Chicken Scratch". We are now in the midst of the labeling laughter, so let's get t

How Machine Learning in Agriculture is Transforming Farming?

Agriculture has been an essential part of human civilization for thousands of years, and it remains a vital industry to this day. However, the agriculture sector faces several challenges, including climate change, population growth, and food security. Fortunately, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing the way we grow crops and raise livestock, making the agriculture industry more efficient, productive, and sustainable.  Let’s explore how AI is transforming the agriculture sector and what the future of farming may look like. Precision agriculture Precision agriculture is a farming technique that uses technology to optimize crop yield and reduce waste. AI is a critical component of precision agriculture, as it enables farmers to gather and analyze data from various sources, such as sensors, drones, and satellites, to make data-driven decisions. For example, AI algorithms can analyze soil data to determine the best time to plant crops, the optimal amount of water an

Complete Guide to Data Annotation Services for Machine Learning & AI

Image annotation is the process of annotating or labeling the objects in an image to make it recognizable to computer vision for machine learning. And there are different types of image annotation services used for computer vision in machine learning and AI. You can find here the image annotation types and in which industry or sector such techniques are used to annotate the images. Along with the annotation types, the use cases are also discussed here to find which types of machine learning model training are used to create the training data sets for the visual-based perception model.  What Are the Different Types of Annotation Services? Every machine learning algorithm is unique. Data annotation services use a variety of tools, approaches, and skilled annotators to get the job done, much as models vary in terms of the algorithms they use and the sectors they serve. The majority of training data will be in the form of images, video, audio, or text. Anolytics delivers high-quality data

Challenges Faced While Performing Video Annotation in Computer Vision

One of the annotation methods that includes labeling target items in video footage is video annotation. Human annotators apply outlines and labels to video frames following the unique criteria of each machine learning model to add this information to videos. In most situations, video annotation computer vision entails teams of annotators searching each frame of video data for essential things. Annotators widely use bounding boxes to locate things that machine learning engineers have selected as significant to label. After that, these boxes will be given a color and a label. Various machine learning initiatives need to label multiple types of objects in multiple ways. Video annotation computer vsison is beneficial in a wide range of situations. Autonomous car systems are trained to use annotated video data to recognize street borders for lane recognition. It's utilized in medical AI to help in illness detection and surgery. It may be used to create checkout-free retail settings, whe

Best Text Annotation Datasets and Tools for Computer Vision to Watch Out For In 2022

  Machine learning and artificial intelligence are essential tools in current technology, yet they are often underappreciated. As a result, you might be shocked to find that, according to the 2020 State of AI and Machine Learning study, over 70% of firms utilize text as their primary data for AI solutions. Text, audio, pictures, and video are just a few media kinds available on the digital platform. Text is a popular mode of communication for both personal and professional objectives. Organizations have amassed large amounts of text data in an unstructured manner. How can we make the most of this text? Adding information or metadata to characterize the features of phrases, such as semantics or feelings, is known as text annotation computer vision. It aids the machine's ability to discern or recognize words in a phrase, making it more intelligent. This text annotation computer vision can be used as a training dataset for AI and machine learning algorithms. An accurate text annotatio

Interesting Use Cases of Bounding Box Image Annotation and Labeling

  An image bounding box annotation is a process in which a rectangle is drawn that encircles an item and describes its position, class (e.g., automobile, human), and confidence (how likely it is to be at that location). Object detection is a job in which bounding boxes are utilized to determine the position and type of various items in a picture.  When it comes to depicting bounding box labeling, there are two basic standards to follow: 1. Defining the box's coordinates related to the top left and bottom-right points. 2. Defining the box in terms of its center and its breadth and height. Your model will underperform if it has insufficient training data, lacks accuracy and consistency, or has too many overlaps. Small things may have a significant negative influence, which you may spend hours attempting to rectify. Let's look at how bounding boxes image annotation is utilized in many sectors for object recognition and categorization. For autonomous vehicle  In the  self-driving c

How User-Generated Social Media Content is Putting Companies at Risk

Brands have long used social media to increase customer loyalty, engage customers, create leads, improve sales and other crucial factors. People throughout the world have been isolated from one other in recent months as a result of COVID-19, causing them to turn to the internet for social engagement, increasing user-generated content on social media. With the growth in social challenges and instigators—or trolls, harassers, activists, and sophisticated bad actors—this already complicated landscape has witnessed a spike in damaging and poisonous material, possibly producing a disaster for companies and opening up the space for content management services. Statista discovered that in March, over half of all internet users (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) increased their usage of social media. How Brands are in Danger Due to Harmful Social Media Content The issue isn't simply that we're seeing more unfavourable brand content on social media platforms. Yes, this is a sign

How Advanced Technologies are Changing Agriculture and Farming

Agriculture is one of the world's oldest and most significant methods of cultivating crops and rearing livestock. With the aid of modern technology, we have gone a long way in terms of how we farm and cultivate new crops. Using data and technologies such as smart drones, satellite imagery, soil sensors, and so on, the agricultural sector has started witnessing positive results. But in order to achieve the desired outcomes from these machines, one has to train the algorithms with high-quality satellite and drone imagery datasets (training data). Agriculture training datasets that are created by Anolytics and may be utilized in several areas of agriculture and farming. Various annotation approaches, such as bounding boxes, polygon annotation, semantic segmentation, cuboid annotation, key points, and polylines, are used to tackle jobs of any complexity. Training Data for Aerial View Mapping of Fields  Drone images can assist farmers with precision farming by providing in-depth crop mo

Text Annotations in the News Industry

In the media and communication industry, writers are frequently confronted with huge volumes of textual material. They are having significant difficulty extracting structured knowledge from these papers, and the text is being underutilized, perhaps leaving critical information unknown. Machine learning techniques can assist, but they require a thorough understanding of the information required and manual annotation of the corpus. Before going further, let's understand what annotation, types, and how it is helping machine learning models to perform accurately. What are annotations? Annotation is the process of labeling data which are in the form of image, video, text, or object in order to use Machine Learning to train a model. In simple words, it is the process of transcribing, identifying, and labeling key characteristics in your data. These are the characteristics that you simply want your machine learning system to recognize on its own, with unannotated real-world data. Annotati

The Importance of High-Quality Annotated Training Data Sets in the Healthcare

  Annotation plays a highly important role in any critical deep learning or machine-learning project. As the correct labeling and data processing helps in reducing time, cost and minimizes human efforts while increasing accuracy and efficiency. Annotations also benefits machine learning algorithms to get trained with supervised learning process accurately for right prediction and could be further developed into deep learning aspect of AI process, which requires no training also known as unsupervised machine-learning. Data Annotations & Training Data   Data Annotation is part of the training data process which encompasses giving labels and metadata tags to texts, videos, images, or other content formats. Data annotations form the base for any algorithm by establishing the grounds to create machine learning models. The process involves several aspects like technical representations, processes, types of tools, system design, and a whole new variety of concepts that are specific to tra

What Types of Objects in Agriculture are detected through Image Annotation?

Image annotation is becoming important for computer vision based all types of AI models developed through machine learning. In agriculture sector AI has set foot through various advance equipment system and techniques, making this field more productive and efficient. Yes, robotics, drones and AI-enabled machines are dedicatedly used in agricultural sector for performing various tasks. Actually, all these machines works on computer vision based technology. And these AI-enabled machines are trained through training data sets generated through images annotation. Image Annotation for AI and Machine Learning Image annotation is the data labeling technique used to make the varied objects recognizable for machines. And in machine learning huge amount of such datasets are used through algorithms. Hence, image annotation plays an important role in model development. And computer vision based all types of AI model can be well-trained if high-quality datasets is used with right algorithm.

What are the AI Applications for Satellite Imagery in Machine Learning?

AI applications for satellite imagery is expanded into the multiple levels for machine learning training to extract the useful information for developing the AI models for same fields. AI models are developed through machine learning or deep learning use in space monitoring through satellite images needs the training data for detecting the various objects from such altitude for field mapping or urban planning. AI Applications for Satellite Imagery Actually, in artificial satellites or manmade satellites, AI is used in two ways — One-level” applications and Multi-level” applications. So we need to discuss both the applications of AI for satellite imagery. And to clarify both level applications, it’s worth to mention that from technical perspective, these applications require complex machine learning pipeline for various types of projects. “One-step” Satellite Data Applications The first applications of satellite data is making the various objects detectable to computer vision.