
Showing posts with the label image labeling

How to Label Image Data for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Training?

Labeling the images to create the training data for machine learning or AI is not difficult task if you tool/software, knowledge and skills to annotate the images with right techniques. Actually, to label the images you need a platform where you get specific tool to draw the outline or annotate the object of interest to make it recognizable to machines through computer vision.  How to Label the Images? To label the images, you a specific tool that is meant c image annotation having the all the functions and features to annotate the images for different types of machines learning training. To label the images, first of all you need to upload all the raw images into your system, image labeling software is installed to annotate such images with specific technique as per the customize requirements.  Image Labeling Techniques        Actually, there are different types of image labeling techniques, like bounding box, semantic segmentation, polygon annotation, polyline